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About the Mississauga Arts Council


The Mississauga Arts Council is dedicated to enabling the growth of the arts by creating opportunity and connection between artists and residents in Mississauga and beyond. Now in our 42nd year, MAC is a registered charity, providing service-based programming to artists, promoting artists in Mississauga, and growing awareness of the arts in our city to build a vibrant thriving cultural community.

Promote a thriving Arts Economy in Mississauga

Empower the Arts Economy by: Creating opportunities & capacity; Connecting artists to audiences and each other; and Celebrating artist’s achievements

Our Values

MAC believes in the value of creative collaboration, facilitating partnerships, encouraging healthy competition between artists and strengthening creative communities.

Our Strategy

To provide arts-based programming to communities across our city by supporting artist-led enterprises and programs, to provide valuable communications and marketing services to individual creatives and groups, and to advocate for development of our city’s arts economy.

MAC’s three concepts that capture how we accelerate growth in the arts economy:


Create is about growing new opportunities for artists to use their talents, gain employment and public exposure, and earn valuable experience. This includes applications for grants, sponsorships, and matching funds for creative projects of all kinds, project development, and career support for individual artists and groups.


Connect focuses on innovative communications, media marketing connecting new partners for collaborations, infusing value into networking events, connecting artists with each other, new audiences, sustainable business practices, and funders.


Celebrate ensures artists are recognized and rewarded for their accomplishments. For instance, The Mississauga Arts Awards showcase creative excellence, drive broader public awareness, create excitement and a real sense of belonging, inspire greater quality of artistic expression and performance, increases public participation with artists and arts in Mississauga.

MAC’s Strategic Plan 2021-2024: A Brave New World

In 2020, MAC’s Board of Directors developed a new strategic plan that responds to the devastating effect COVID-19 has had on the arts economy, and how MAC can position efforts to benefit the arts sector in new and more impactful ways.

Our strategic plan, A Brave New World, outlines five strategic priorities:

  1. Drive digital innovation
  2. Increased emphasis on the arts economy
  3. Develop increased public-private sector funding partnerships
  4. Enhanced community outreach
  5. Employ agile and entrepreneurial business model

These priorities are already at the heart of our organization, and will drive our activities and priorities throughout 2021-2024.

MAC’s Annual Reports

Each year MAC produces and published an Annual Report highlighting our key activities, our finances, and our strategies. These reports celebrate the accomplishments not only of MAC, but of our community of members who help MAC contribute to the thriving arts sector in Mississauga.

MAC is committed to ensuring the value of diversity is upheld in everything that we do for our
members, employees, volunteers, and the broader community. MAC welcomes and supports all
people, regardless of ability, age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or beliefs. It is
incumbent upon MAC staff and volunteers to share the responsibility of creating and maintaining
an environment of mutual respect and support.